Axial fans overhead FAVORITE

////Axial fans overhead FAVORITE

Axial fans overhead FAVORITE

Axial Exhaust Fans of FAVORITE series have a fixed diffuser and optionally can be rigged with a back-pressure valve and power cord with a switch. Both wall and ceiling mounting is possiible.

Product Description

Characteristics FAVORITE 4 FAVORITE 5
Duct Diameter (mm) 100 125
Fan Delivery (m3 per hour) 95 180
Top pressure (Pa) 31 36
Supply Voltage (V) 220-240 220-240
Power consumption (W) 16 18
Current (A) 35 36
Peak Operation Temperature (°С) 40 40
Noise Amount (dB) 0,25 0,35
Mass (kg) 0,55 0,65


Каталог вентилатори ERA